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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Trader Joe's Honey Roasted Pumpkin Ravioli

Some products just don't need a pumpkin version. And other things seem like they were created for the express purpose of being stuffed with the large orange gourd. In my humble opinion, this product falls into the latter category. That is to say, "Why the heck haven't we tried pumpkin ravioli before?"

Pretty sure this and a gluten-free variety have been floating around Trader Joe's seasonally for a few years now. Can't remember if it wasn't available or if we just passed it over on purpose in favor of other fall flavors, but I'm glad we're getting around to it now. It's good.

Pumpkin is actually the number one ingredient in this unique fall pasta. After that, we've got ricotta and mozzarella, along with a subtle and appropriate blend of spices and sweeteners including both brown sugar and honey. We do have nutmeg, allspice, clove, and cinnamon in the mix, but the product manages to avoid becoming a pumpkin pie spice product somehow and maintains a savory, squashy essence despite its honey sweetness.

Sonia and I ate our ravioli with just a touch of butter and salt. I can't imagine a sauce that would enhance this product rather than clash with it, but some folks say it goes well with Trader Joe's Autumnal Harvest Pasta Sauce. As much as I like that sauce, I think I'd rather reserve it for more neutral pasta products. This pumpkin ravioli has a really nice taste just on its own and I wouldn't want it to compete with any additional flavors. A sage brown butter sauce might be an exception.

$3.99 for the 9 oz pack. It comes refrigerated but you can freeze it if there's a chance you won't use if before the best by date. We would buy this product again. Eight out of ten stars from the beautiful wifey and me for Trader Joe's Honey Roasted Pumpkin Ravioli.

Bottom line: 8 out of 10.


  1. Congratulations on finally getting around to it. This has been a staple for me going on 15 years. My only complaint is the odd package size. It's too much for one person and not enough for two.

    1. Wow, I had no idea it's been around that long. And yes, you're right it feels like one and a half servings.

  2. The issue mentioned is the one I have with all of their refrigerated ravioli. The serving size feels meager for any more than one person. It's really hard for a family too. Generally I have to buy two packages plus supplement with some other pasta to make an entire dish. I really like it with some goat cheese on top. I know....lots of cheese. But the goat cheese complements the flavor for some reason.

    1. Agree about the size. We'll have to try it with goat cheese next time!

    2. Thanks for having a normal view on portion sizes. If you look at the posts on Reddit with pictures of plates of pumpkin ravioli, some people eat 3 ravioli and call that a meal. If you gave me that little, I'd ask where the rest of the meal was...haha.

    3. Totally. 3 ravioli barely count as a snack.

    4. Definitely! People mired in diet culture think that serving sizes mean it's what you "should" eat. It is based on self-reported data from people about what they typically eat, and that is under-reported significantly because no one is going to admit that they eat more because of guilt/shame.


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