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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Trader Joe's Papadums

Ever kinda bite your tongue and try to hold back because you know whatever you have to say is gonna be unpopular but you kinda have to say it anyways.

That's where I am when it comes to Trader Joe's Papadums, with one key exception: I'm biting my fingers, not tongue, cuz I have to type this all out instead of just saying it, hoping it goes unnoticed. not like the TJ's papadums. Not at all. 

This is completely contrary to every other opinion I've seen on them online. I kinda get it. The idea behind them is wonderful. From what I can tell, papadums are a traditional Indian snack, with some variation, but a lot are crispy, crunchy, crackery chiplike guys made from lentils and chickpeas. Texturally, they're a lot like sweet potato tortilla chips. So far, so good. Flavorwise, there's not much except the natural lentil and chickpea flavor, with a small dash of cumin and salt. Again, we're off to a good start here...'s just...

...there's something about the taste. Upfront there's no offensive or wrong, but after a crisp or two, the flavor "turns." I don't know how else to describe it, but it changes from a pleasant earthy crispy crisp to something I can only liken to dirt. Just...gross dirt. Like dried up, bottom of the soccer cleat kinda stuff. No, I don't actually know what that tastes like. But it's just so off-putting.

I tried, really, I did. I ate multiple papadums in multiple sittings, just to see if it was my mood or something else. Nope. Each bite was worse. Can't take them any more. 

Now, sure, I'm sure some of you will say you had to try them with a dip. I'm sure that'd cover up some of their unpleasantness. But to me, for a product to be good, it has to stand independent from anything else, and not be reliant on something else to make up for what it lacks. That's not where I am here with these.

I don't know, maybe this papa is dumb for not liking the papadums. Everyone else does, including my lovely bride, so that means more for you all I suppose. Enjoy for me, I'm gonna be sitting these out from here on out. 

Bottom line: Trader Joe's Papadums: 4 out of 10 Golden Spoons


  1. No worries; we all like different things. I appreciate your honesty. I wonder if it's the baking soda?

  2. I love papadums, but have only had them in Indian restaurants...may have to try them. They are definitely an acquired taste.

  3. My take. Never ever, ever, ever remove Papadums from your shelves. For those who have health issues with so many ingredients often found in crunchy snacks, Papadums are a gift from the Universe. One thing: you need to offer them in flavors like, nacho, sour cream and onion, salt and vinegar... No! You need to offer them in all the flavors. All of them. Find them all!!
    With all my love,
    Yours truly,

  4. Perhaps it's the cumin. I love the cumin flavor, but I know folks who are grossed out by it.

  5. The TJs papadam crisps actually taste like they have a little bit of hing in them to me, although hing is not listed as an ingredient. There is a slightly fermented, sour, foot-like aftertaste which tastes *just like* asofoetida (hing), but hing is not listened on the ingredient list.I wonder if the cumin they use is stored near hing and took on a hing flavor, or if perhaps the papadams are made on equipment where hing is used. I actually quite enjoy hing, so I don't mind this aftertaste. But I can see why someone who doesn't like hing would find these oddly flavored.


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