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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Trader Joe's Just Beets 100% Juice

You've got to be pretty heavily into the flavor of beets to enjoy this beverage. And more than that, you've basically got to be someone who has at least considered, if not already tried, chugging the juice at the bottom of a jar of beets. Because that's pretty much what this is. As noted on a recent podcast episode, this is just about the beetiest thing imaginable. The "hint of lemon juice concentrate" is just that—a detectable, yet very faint whisper of lemon in a sea of big bold bright red BEET.

Now Sonia loves beets. They're one of her favorite foods. And even she was overwhelmed by the beetasticness of this beverage. At first, she didn't think it was so bad. She liked the taste of this juice because she enjoys the taste of beets. But by the end of the $4 container, even she was beeted-out—not totally disgusted, but quite ready to take a step back from the ocean of robust beet flavor. 

My first sip of this drink had me "beeten." In general, I tolerate beets. If they're on my plate, I'll eat them without complaining. But I'm not someone who would go out of my way to consume a beet. I feel quite neutral toward beets. But I think I've had my fill of beet juice for the rest of my days here on earth.

Sonia will give a fair and balanced three stars to this product, stating that she wouldn't buy it again simply because of the price tag. I'll throw a generous one and a half stars at this brash beet beverage.

Bottom line: 4.5 out of 10.


  1. btw, did the beet juice stain the inside of your mouth-- i.e. teeth or tongue? that would be my concern.. lol

    1. ummm with beet juice, it's not the teeth or tongue stains that surprises people. I'll leave it at

    2. hey, I KNOW exactly what u mean! lol.... that's why I asked about the mouth.... :-)

    3. I didn't have enough of it to stain anything.

      I think it just stained Sonia's teeth temporarily (as well as a white shirt she spilled some on) ...and yeah, it might have added extra color to some other things as well...

  2. As someone who juices her own beets for the health benefits, you definitely need to balance out the beet with carrot, apple, and a good amount of lemon to make it palatable.

    1. Now THAT sounds like a juice blend I could handle...

  3. The only reason I purchased this beet juice was to decorate Easter eggs. Worked great!

  4. I'm totally going to have to buy this for my 4 year old. He LOVES beets and regularly drinks the juice from jars of beets. I'll have to see how he likes this.

  5. Oh good lord don't drink it straight!!! Yikes. And i LOVE beets every way imaginable.
    I make my own juice almost daily but juicing beets makes a big mess. I used 1/3 beet juice with 1/3 green juice and 1/3 orange juice for a great blend.
    Also perfect for making a quick borscht!
    Since it's all beet juice this is actually much cheaper than juicing fresh beets- this bottle is like three entire bunches of beets worth of juice.

    1. That's a good point I didn't think of—easier and cheaper than juicing your own beets, for use with other juices in various blends....

  6. I added Aloe vera with pulp.combined it was very good.

  7. The problem is, I just noticed, is that it’s flash pasteurized! Killing all nutrients 😪. I didn’t notice the last time I bought it.


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