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Friday, April 20, 2018

Trader Joe's Garlic Spread Dip

"Garlic ambrosia."

No, not fruit salad with marshmallows, ambrosia. Ambrosia, as in the food of the gods, ambrosia. Lemme tell ya, she's not wrong. And, as reader DogMaTX pointed out, it's very similar—if not identical—to the garlic spread from Zankou Chicken. Thanks to both of you for the heads up on this product. I feel like at least one other reader brought this to our attention on our Facebook page, as well.

It's a creamy, smooth condiment that spreads like mayo or cream cheese. I'd say the texture is right in between those two, in fact: slightly thicker than mayo, slightly thinner than cream cheese.

And it doesn't fail in the flavor department either. It's garlicky—very garlicky, but simultaneously not overpowering somehow. Where raw garlic brings a heavy staccato "punch" of garlic flavor, this spread causes a gentle "wave" of garlic to wash over your tongue. It's just as powerful, but there's a little bit more of that "mmmm" factor and a wee bit less of that "whoa!" effect.

It's strong enough that you don't need to use a ton on your food, but at the same time, if you do choose to slather it on in great quantity, it still enhances the other flavors and doesn't bury them completely. We had it with tuna sandwiches, pizza, and falafel. I know it will go well with chips, chicken, fish, and other Mediterranean dishes, too. Can't wait to experiment with it. It's a fine addition to TJ's legacy of delicious condiments.

$2.99 for the tub. Vegan. Four and a half stars from me. Four stars from Sonia.

Bottom line: 8.5 out of 10.


  1. This appears to be Toum, a traditional lebanese garlic sauce.

    1. ok, good to know... my local Lebanese restaurant just calls it "garlic sauce" and would NOT tell me what was in it the first time i had it there and fell in love... then when i tried this, i felt such joy that it was exactly IT!

  2. Oh good lord this stuff is rediculous!! Yes, definitely packs some legit garlic flavor. I like a glob added to soup that needs some help, or boring hummus, as a dip for veggies, on sandwiches... yeah, about anything.

  3. I wish they'd used something other than canola oil. I would but this if that's made it with olive oil.

    1. It needs a neutral flavored oil, you could make it with grapeseed oil- rather simple actually

  4. Canola isn’t awful if they provide the source from which they get it. I wouldn’t just go deep fry stuff in mazola all willy nilly, but it’s not a terrible oil if you know where and with what, exactly, it’s made

  5. Toum is amazing on grilled chicken and/or eggplant.

  6. This has become a must-buy for me at TJs. I like to dip the truffle potato chips in this stuff--sounds gross but it's so so good, trust me.

  7. Well, hey now... I'm honored to be quoted in WGATJ, and in the opening line, no less! AND in the review of my current absolute favorite TJ's product--you just made my day =) And yes, for the first time last weekend, doing my weekly-ish shopping there, i bought not one but TWO tubs of it. Just realized i have trader tots in the freezer... oh wow, they will be good dipped in this... *wanders off to kitchen in garlic dip induced haze*

    1. It's a great quote about a great product. Thanks for letting us borrow it :)

    2. my pleasure! thanks to you and your compadres for years of enjoyable reviews =) i can't believe i just now am following your FB page!

  8. Put a couple of dollops of this on the new Cauliflower Gnocci (which is freakin' fantastic by the by)!

  9. This would be great for artichokes.

  10. It also tastes like taramasalata to me. Of course minus the roe. Absolutely love this stuff!!!!!

  11. You should know it is also good on fruit, fingers and butter knives. Ha! I'm addicted to it🤤

  12. This stuff is awesome!!! I've tried making it myself but I have not always been successful. We use this in Gyros and Shawarma. I also use it in place of garlic to make salad dressing. Works great and no peeling garlic or cleaning the garlic press. Gives an immediate garlic flavor.

  13. Is this made by Majestic Garlic in Murrieta, CA?

  14. This stuff is amazing. I have eaten it with tortilla chips. This stuff is so good, I was eating it from the spoon. I will purchase it each time I go to Trader Joe’s. I will try it on other ingredients soon. This container is gone.

  15. I'm surprised the rating for this spread isn't higher! I use it on everything, from pasta, to grilled cheeses, sautéed veggies, and even toast. My favorite way to use it though is as a base for artichoke dip. Here is my recipe if you want to try it out sometime:


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