We're beginning to approach the end of my oldest daughter's first formal year of schooling, and I'm continually amazed by how much she's learning. I'm sure every parent feels this way, to some degree, but man - my kid is smart. Just this past weekend, as I drove around town with her buckled up in the back of the minivan, I listened as she read off words she recognized on road signs and could read. "Car wash." "Burger." "Ice cream." And so on. And it was without any hesitation whatsoever - she read them as easily and breezily as any of us would. She's gonna be like Sandy, I think - a really good reader, her nose always stuck in a book somewhere. We already pack our bags full at the library on a regular basis, and most nights she'll beg for the light to left on as long as possible so she can keep on reading as late as she wants....
Which reminds me. I should probably move Trader Joe's Chocolate Whole Milk to a higher shelf in the fridge, out of the sightline of a five and a half year old. If she knows this is in our house, it's game over, and I want it all for myself. FOR ME!!!
It's been years since I've drank milk on any sort of regular basis. It's just not my thing any more. And whole milk? That's not what I grew up on. We were 1%, occasionally 2% family growing up. Certainly never skim - that always seemed a little pointless - but whole milk? Nah. That seemed a bit much.
But this milk? Holy cow. Almost literally. Maybe I'm still in sugar shock and a little buzzed, but I almost cannot believe how utterly delicious it is. Words kinda fail. It's just...try it. If you haven't already. Apparently this version of TJ's chocolate milk was available years ago, then discontinued and just brought back. Big Joe, whoever made that decision, give them a bonus!
It's thick and creamy and undeniably smooth, almost like drinking chocolate pudding or ice cream. Except even better! The chocolate flavor is rich and decadent, but is decidedly more towards cocoa than chocolate if that makes sense. It's a very pure kind of flavor, without being overly sugary tasting or too cloy or sickeningly sweet. Yes, I'm aware of all the added sugar. No, I do not care. It's called "treat yo' self." It's the kind of flavor that only a rich creamy base like whole milk would work with - anything else would be too thin to really flesh out the depth of flavor here abounding from each sip.
Even better, from personal expereince, it mixes well with a little Kahlua and vodka for a...well, I'm not sure what that'd be called. A mocha Russian? I'm sure there's many other alcoholic possibilities here - creme de menthe, anyone? If you got any other ideas, share away.
Anyways I have no doubt that my kiddo could at least read the words "chocolate" and "milk" and she's got just enough juvenile mischeviousness to try and guzzle away at some when ol' Mama and Dad are strugglin' out of bed in the morning. She's self sufficent enough to make her own breakfast half the time, which explains why she and her sister each ate three freezer waffles the other morning. She could figure out how to pour herself a cup, or beg us relentlessly...and sometimes Dada just wants to be greedy. Fortunately at $3.99 for the half gallon carton it's not exactly a costly fridge filler. Both Sandy and I cannot think of even the slightest of complaints or suggestions or anything - it's just some pretty darn good chocolate milk. Better than that, even.
Bottom line: Trader Joe's Whole Chocolate Milk: 10 out of 10 Golden Spoons
SPOTTED: 3/25/2025
4 hours ago
Wow. I thought this was waaaaay too sweet and thick. It was like drinking a chocolate pudding milkshake. Awful. Returned it the same day for a refund. Give me my Ovaltine with ice cold skim milk every time.
ReplyDeleteMore for us then!
Deletep.s. Ovaltine with skim? Lol I'd pass, but glad you enjoy.
Skim milk. That's the problem right there.
DeleteSkim is the only milk worth drinking. Everything else tastes like a milkshake.
Delete"Skim is the only milk worth drinking"
DeleteLOL, false. Whole milk or bust
Sounds like it would be good frozen as an ice cream alternative...or maybe make ice cubes out of it a blend it with some frozen banana. The sugar content does seem really high though--bet my brother would like it.
ReplyDeleteTrader Joe's has a new sprouted grain pizza crust...it is amazing and I think your family would like it!
If you have dairy issues like me, try the chocolate almond milk TJ's sells in the quart size chill-after-open box. Heat up a mugful in the microwave and you have a very tasty and healthy version of hot chocolate.
ReplyDeletedid you mean to say "udderly" delicious?
ReplyDeleteLol I thought about it but didn't want to milk any puns :)
DeleteThere's only 15g of added sugar per cup--not exactly healthy, but about half of what you find in regular sodas. The other 13g present in the milk itself is mainly lactose and us not a health concern. (Look it up...) Add in the various nutrients from milk and overall it is MUCH healthier than soda.
ReplyDeleteIt might have more nutrients than soda...but 15g is over half the daily recommended intake for children and women. Also, lactose (a simple carbohydrate) i.e. milk sugar, has been linked to an increase of tooth decay. Not saying you shouldn't drink this, but it definitely is NOT a health food.
ReplyDeletebummed they didn't have it at my trader joe's. is it supposed to be available nationwide?
ReplyDeleteI too love the Trader Joe's chocolate milk! I discovered it about a month ago and it is delicious! It replaces a chocolate month that I used to buy that was recently discontinued so I'm so glad I discovered this. I don't care about the freaking sugar, you only live once! Enjoy your food and your drink just don't go overboard! I hope this never discontinued again because they have a loyal customer in me!
ReplyDeleteI loooooove this choc milk! I was Googling to see if it had been discontinued and found your site. I've gotten hooked on it and now can't find it at either TJ's closest to me. :-(
ReplyDeleteHappy to find it's back now!